How To Create An Inviting And Memorable Reception

Hotel receptionist with phone on front desk

Almost everyone has had an experience with sitting in a dreary, poorly lit reception area and lived to tell the tale. A reception area that is poorly furnished, dark, and filled with mind-numbing decor can set a customers mind about your business before they ever meet you. That’s why it is so important to make your reception area not only inviting but also an extension of your company itself. Here are some ways that you could go about creating a more hospitable and welcoming area in which to receive your customers. 

One of the very first things that your customers and clients will encounter in a reception area is the receptionist. If you have a receptionist who is less than cheerful and not at all inviting it can make clients want to walk right back out the door. Find a receptionist that knows sufficient information about your business (so they can answer any questions) but one who can also make your customers more at ease in the office. 

Scent and lighting are two more things that can make your customers more comfortable in your reception area. If you have decor that is more natural (such as wood and floral) it makes sense to have more muted and warm lighting. Likewise, if you have decor that falls into the bright and colorful variety, you’ll want a white light. The scent in your office is also something many don’t think of but can make a huge difference in customer satisfaction. This is especially true if you work with chemicals or other smelly things in the office. If this is the case, it may be worth investing in some incense or light air fresheners. 

Chairs are for sitting, and your clients will be doing quite a bit of it if they’re waiting for an appointment time. Pick chairs that are stylish but comfortable. Never sacrifice comfort for looks as your customers will be spending more time sitting in the chairs than looking at them. Also, make sure to give enough room between chairs that your clients don’t have to rub elbows with strangers. A small table or plant between chairs should provide sufficient enough space between people. 

Your reception’s decor needs to be one that gels well with your companies image while simultaneously making any visitors feel at ease. Try to color coordinate your reception with your company’s logo. Create a sense of visual identity and tie it to the room. This will make the decision-making process much easier in regards to choosing furniture. Just remember that style should always follow function. If you pick decor that looks good but is off-putting to visitors, then you need to head back to the drawing board. For instance, if you have lime green as a focus color on your logo then try adding pops of that color to your reception area. Just be careful not to overdo it. You don’t want to outfit the entire building in this shade, just enough to continue the theme throughout.

Empty light office in modern style: waiting area

In addition to the decor, if you can afford it, complimentary coffee or small snacks can also be a big boost in how long clients will happily wait. Coffee, tea, or bottled water are good basic drinks while small bags of things like peanuts, chocolate, or even granola bars could stave off hunger pains while your clients are waiting. If you’re a health professional, you could try a bowl of fresh fruit. Even a water dispenser will do a lot to make your customers feel more comfortable in your reception area. 

One of the most important things that many business owners forget about the reception area is that visitors can run out of patience quickly. You want to have things in the reception area that they can entertain themselves with. Have a TV on display in such a way that everyone in the room can easily see it. Have a variety of magazines neatly on display. While the magazines should relate somewhat to your business, there is no harm in including magazines about other topics. Give your visitors the means to kill boredom while they wait for their appointment. You could even think of providing free wi-fi so that customers can use tablets, phones, and laptops while they wait. 

Your reception area is the true first impression a new visitor has of your business, and you never get a second chance at a first impression. By taking some of these steps, you are adding value not only to your reception area, but to your business as a whole. Keeping your customers happy and comfortable will put them in a much better mood when they do meet you or your staff as well as making sure they want to come back. Help your clients become repeat customers by giving them a space they’ll look forward to visiting.

MOSCOW, RUSSIA - APR 10, 2014: Reception area for visitors to Moscow Exchange. It is largest in Russia in terms of trading and number of clients Exchange created in 2011

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